Sunday 1 September 2013

NZ school criticised for possum hunting competition

Sunday September 1, 2013
Source: ONE News

A school north of Auckland is being criticised by the SPCA for running an event in which students and their parents compete to kill possums in the area.
Wainui School holds an annual possum cull, where families compete over a weekend to kill and bag as many possums as possible, with a prize pool of $7000.
Wainui School Principal Gillian Bray said the competition had become a community event.
"A lot of our children live on lifestyle blocks and big farms, and [killing possums is] just part of everyday life.
"It's a natural thing, and we want to protect our bush out here.
"This is caring for our environment."
The SPCA, however, said the competition was "disgusting" and morally wrong.
A spokesperson told ONE News the SPCA was worried the event was teaching children it was OK to kill animals.
Ms Bray said the school had support from the Department of Conservation acknowledged possums were pests, and that they posed a serious threat to New Zealand's native bush and wildlife.

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