Wednesday 11 September 2013

NT hunters gearing up for waterfowl season

ABC Rural
By Matt Brann
Tuesday, Sep 10, 2013
Magpie Geese
The 2013 waterfowl hunting season starts next Wednesday
(NT Field and Game)
The waterfowl hunting season starts next week in the Northern Territory and hunters are expecting plenty of action.
The season will run from September 18 to January 5, although a couple of hunting reserves will close before the Christmas period (Lambells Lagoon Conservation Reserve and Howard Springs Hunting Reserve on December 23).
Bart Irwin, from NT Field and Game, says magpie geese and duck numbers remain extremely strong in the Top End.
"It looks like being another boom season for hunters," he said.
"The bird count (conducted by NT Parks and Wildlife) has geese numbers between 2.2 million and 2.9 million... so still plenty of birds out there and the hunting remains entirely sustainable."
The daily bag limits for this year's season will be the same as last year, which is 10 magpie geese and 10 ducks per hunter per day.
Mr Irwin says NT Field and Game is keen to talk to mango producers concerned about magpie geese attacking their crops.
"We can offer protection for those crops, by supplying credited, organised, responsible hunters who can provide sustained crop protection," he said.
"We shoot safely, we have $25 million public liability insurance and we can have a co-ordinated approach to crops or districts."
It's expected more than 2,000 Territorians will apply for a waterfowl hunting permit this season, double the numbers back in 2005.
The 2013 Northern Territory waterfowl hunting season will start at 6.15 a.m. next Wednesday (September 18).
The Parks and Wildlife Commission says it will conduct random checks of hunting reserves throughout the season to ensure hunters have permits and are doing the right thing by others and the environment.
Hunters will have a chance to get their hunting permits and other equipment next Monday (September 16) at the annual "Goose Fever Expo".
Recipe for Nick's "Magpie Goose" Nuggets
Remove the skinless breasts from the magpie goose.
Trim off the membrane that covers the skin side of the fillet. This is the tough bit.
Dice breasts into cubes or strips.
Shake nuggets in the Curry and Crumb mix (see below). No need to apply beaten egg.
Shallow fry for a couple of minutes in really hot vegetable oil and serve with rice or salad.
Season mix:
1 tblsp Curry Powder
2 tblsp Bread Crumbs

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