Monday, 10 June 2013

Using game cameras to pattern big boars

A short film I made last year to show how I use game cameras to pattern big boars on one of my hunting blocks. It was all shot with a little digital camera and is unlikely to win any awards for camera work or editing but I hope it encourages hunters who aren't using game cameras to give them a try.
You can't spend all day and all night in the bush observing things but the game cameras can...


  1. Top stuff, Ned. Must be awesome to go out of your way to target specific boars and then pick them up through a combination of many things going well. Nice looking pig!

  2. It is Dylan and anyone can do it. It is a function of the time you can spend in the bush and game cameras definitely extend that. The other thing the cameras do is help you note specifics including the time of day, phase of the moon and temperature. However, you still have to do the footwork and get up early and stay up late to get the good pigs on the deck...


Feel free to tell us what you think. We love to talk hunting...