Thursday 30 May 2013

CONSULTATION - Bowfishing carp. Submission due July 31

Proposal: Permit bow fishing for carp in certain, specified inland waters.

The NSW Game Council and the Australian Bowhunters Association has proposed that some opportunities be made for bow fishing for carp in a controlled manner and in specific waterways. The Game Council proposes that only persons with a current NSW R-Licence authorised with category ‘Bowfishing’ and a NSW Fishing Fee Receipt (licence) would be able to undertake the activity.

Bow fishing for carp is an activity which involves the removal of carp from waters using the method of archery. A bow and arrow (incorporated within the definition of a spear gun) cannot currently be used to take fish in inland waters.

Carp are an introduced freshwater species that have been declared noxious in NSW. They can have a significant impact on freshwater ecosystems through their detrimental impacts on vegetation, native fish and water quality. It is not illegal for recreational fishers to immediately return carp to the water where they are captured, however DPI encourages fishers to retain and utilise any carp caught or dispose of humanely as they are a pest species. There is a concerted effort by all state governments and territories to control the spread of carp.

A NSW Carp Control Plan outlines actions to stop further spread of the pest species, control the size of populations and increase the involvement of the community in the removal of carp from our waterways. Certain, specified inland waters would be identified as open to bow fishing specifically for carp only. An associated risk assessment would need to be undertaken to guide the development of specific operational and spatial rules and regulations for this option, as proposed by the NSW Game Council and Australian Bowhunters Association.

Making a submission

Public comment is now invited on the options in this discussion paper.

Submit the Review of NSW recreational saltwater and freshwater fishing rules submission form:

Post NSW Fishing Rules Review NSW Department of Primary Industries PO Box 7526 SILVERWATER NSW 1811
Email (as a scanned attachment)
Fax (02) 9741 4893
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